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10 ways to stay motivated

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

These are the steps I have taken to keep myself motivated throughout my fitness journey.

First you have to believe in yourself! Yes you can do it , stay in a positive mindset.

Set yourself up for success find a reason as to why you are doing this. Do you a have big event? Want to get healthy? Create a healthy habit . Stay focused.

Celebrate your successes each time you hit a goal, whether small or big ! You Celebrate it.

Take those progress pics! Yes take them weekly. Even though sometimes the scale doesn't say it, doesn't mean you aren't making progress.

This is very important make the time to workout . Even if it's just 20mins, put that time for you.

Find a routine that works for you working out in the morning or later in the evening. This will help you stay consistent.

Write your goals down weekly , goals that you want to make happen. Each time you hit it ,cross it off.

Remember to always keep that positive mindset! You are stronger than you think !

Once you start seeing the results it becomes an addiction.

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