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How I got into fitness

My fitness journey has been long, lots of ups and downs. It hasn't been easy, but I kept going for myself.

It started a few years back, I started to notice a change in my weight, hair loss, & tired constantly. I couldn't figure out why I was gaining so much weight, so quickly. I was going back & forth to the doctors, they kept telling me all my blood work was normal. Until one day I was at work, it kept feeling like I was being choked . It was causing me to dry heave, & it was uncomfortable to swallow. I drove all the way from my job in orange county to the hospital near my house in Temecula.

The minute the doctor looked at me he said" you have a Thyroid problem" . I was like finally I have an answer!. Started me on medication that made me sick, nauseated, but I did have a goiter that finally went down. I knew I wanted to do something to make me healthy, & feel better about myself . I was getting married a few months after, I didn't like the way I looked. I was depressed, low energy, my eyes were bulging , my neck swollen, & dry skin.

I decided to get a personal trainer, my experience with this trainer wasn't good. I didn't lose any weight, they weren't motivating, it wasn't really pushing me. I quit that trainer, lost the motivation to workout.

I tried another one after winning a free session , she was great. Even though it was an online program she gave me the tools I needed. After a month I felt better enjoyed working out.

I started my fitness journey on my own started to push myself in the gym. I changed my diet completely, lost about 15lbs. I started seeing results, wanted more ! I was at my highest weight 170lbs when I started .

My husband was very supportive he never put me down or made me feel bad about myself for gaining weight. When he saw how much I loved it ,he got me equipment to use at home.

Everyone started asking what I was doing, how inspiring it was to see me transform. I loved it so much, wanted to help women like myself that were struggling. To show them even if you have Hypothyroidism you can lose the weight , & make a healthy lifestyle.

In 2019 I became a Certified personal trainer, using my knowledge & skills to help others look & feel better. I kept continuing my education, working at different gyms , learning from other trainer's. I absolutely love every minute of it ! That's not the end of it ...


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