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How I kicked my Hypothyroidism

This is how I kicked my Hypothyroidism in the butt !

First I changed my diet completely, took out sugar, fast food, anything fried, & gluten. I saw a big change when I stopped eating Gluten. It would aggravate my Thyroid, & I would get super bloated. I started drinking a ton of water !! Let me tell you I was horrible at drinking water.

Started to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Instead of the an adult size plate, I ate off of a kids plate.

Every morning I start off with a protein shake ( watch out for the sugar intake) throw in some strawberries or blueberries, mix with almond milk. Snacks throughout the day consisted of almonds, string cheese, or an apple with peanut butter. For lunch a salad with balsamic Vinegar, or tuna ( no mayo) of course tapatio . Dinner would be a protein style burger ( no bun) lean ground beef or turkey, chicken & veggies, or my favorite salmon ! After my workouts, I normally had a protein shake. Throughout the day drinking water, would fill me up. I started lifting weights, that's when the big change started happening. I trained for 6 X a week , I still do this till this day. Honestly I barely do any cardio, I sometimes do a quick HIIT workout with weights. Don't worry ladies the weights don't make you bulky. They can transform your body, & make you nice & lean. To my Hypothyroidism fighter's you can do it !

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